
Casting about for an emergency Blip as nothing taken outside today, I wanted something small so rummaged in my jewellery box. It struck me again what variety there is in my birthstone - October - Opal. The first opal ring I bought with my Christmas bonus when I was 19 - that is the white one on the left. The ear-rings to match were a rare Christmas present from my father about 7 years later. The lovely dark opals in the centre were given to me as unmounted stones by my cousin in 1988 and I designed and had made the brooch and ear-rings. My cousin died aged 60 in 2001. The turquoise coloured opal ring on the top and the matching ear-rings are a souvenir of my last visit to Australia in 2000. 
As so often happens, what started out as a quest for something to blip ended up as a trip down memory lane spanning over 50 years!

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