Down Day

Sunday (woo hoo...I'm finally all caught up on blip, just in time to leave for several days....), we a down sort of day.  A nasty cold has it's clutches on my Sugar, and her friend had is first.  So this is how they spent most of the day.  So sweet to see these two "onlies" gether like this.  They are so affectionate with each other.  

I spent the day packing up for another work trip.  Gotta get me and Sugar ready for the week.  

Took her friend to town so her parents could fetch her, and Sugar and I ran to get a few groceries for her lunches this week.  Then home for dinner, shower, and snuggles in mama's bed.  I'm hoping she feels MUCH better tomorrow.  I'll be missing this sweet little honey so much this week.

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