
Shamelessly for my Mum because I can't think anyone else cares (and I suspect she doesn't either).

Anyhow, busy gardening day AFTER a busy tidying morning in preparation for the arrival of The Boyfriend and his parents.

This is the front garden, well a small portion of it. The previous house owners were neurotic about security and had planted nasty spiky thorny things all along the wall. I don't like nasty spiky thorny things and didn't really see the point as we rarely shut the gate never mind lock it.

So we decided to start clearing the nasty, spiky thorny things and got carried away. In the right/foreground is the fancy geranium Mum got me last year - it is looking very healthy and has had a baby but no flourescence yet! I got another with pink flowers instead of white from Eden last week, plus we planted the pot bound hazel contorta and stuck in a few other bits. There is chicken wire on the wall and I was going to put in a clematis Montana but am now thinking sweet peas!

Chilli for tea (already made so just needed heating up) baths/showers, wine and the last Indian Summers before bed. Happy Sunday!

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