MonoMonday: Diamond

I've had to really work hard to find a shot with anything like a diamond in it today as I had forgotten it was Monday (long weekend). We went out at midday to a friends for lunch and ended up staying there for dinner as well and not getting home until 10pm!!!

I did take a lot of shots because the gardens were beautiful but this was the only one with a hint of a diamond shape. It's a wonderful rusty iron fish sculpture overlooking the fish pond behind it which houses about 10 very large and very bold and beautiful Koi fish!

My extra is of a couple of Anzac biscuits I had with a cup of tea this afternoon. As its Anzac Day here I was thinking of all the lives lost in all the wars and hope we never have to experience another one.

It's been a very rainy day and late this afternoon I finally felt cold, really cold for the first time since I don't know when, probably about early October last year! :o) It was a very nice feeling!!

Thanks to DavidC for hosting MM!!:o))

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