The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Swiftly follows the swallow.

I had a traumatic afternoon.

The morning was great. Breakfast with Evi Gavin Ru and Nicola and off to Livingston for Ally to update a colleague on work that needs completed.He is still off due to the problem with his eye. It is improving and he has been driving, but I was back in the driving seat today.( The natural way of things).

Curtains were purchased and we headed home.( I've only been searching for them for months!)

My appointment with the mobile unit didn't worry me one. bit, but one doesn't look forward to the vice squashing of one's bits. ? Today I actually felt  that I won't be  doing that again. It was less pleasant than last time and that was awful. I don''t know why, but I almost felt abused and me being "professional" and all, this left me feeling very confused and a little bit stupid. 
I know we are very lucky to have this service, but next time I am coming back as a man!

I took a time out at the loch and watched the swifts and swallows vying for midges. More power to them.

Things aren't all bad after all.

As aye 


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