what we did today...

By SarnieV

Three wise monkeys

The boys and their pal who was climbing in the BMC youth climbing championships at EICA all day on Saturday. She came all the way from South Wales to compete. The boys love her so we're very happy to go watch her climb and of course have a nice shot of bouldering too. Here they are trying to see how many children they can squeeze on the ledge 3/4 of the way up the bouldering wall.
First thing I went to Vogrie for a timed 5k. A bunch of runners are trying to set up a regular weekly 5k there and need to drum up numbers and experience - so I ran that then tacked on another few miles to make up my training run requirements. I was glad I'd prep lanes the extra with some running pals otherwise I would have just gone to the cafe - they held me to my plan!

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