Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Whole Foods #14 ~ 9:51 AM

Here we are again! Another very warm day. I bought some more plants for the vegetable garden. And there was a sweet visitor sitting in the tomato plant area ~ see extra.

I'm going out this evening to a *staged reading* of a play called The House of Yes ~ at Live Arts. #2 Son is reading one of the roles and assures me it's going to be exceedingly lame. He said the *actress* reading the main female role (Parker Posey's role in the movie, if you're familiar with that) asked at last night's rehearsal if it would help if she highlighted her lines. A forehead smacking moment if there ever was one. He says he thinks she's never acted before. Anyhoo ~ I'm going because I always like a chance to see him do his thing, regardless.

PS ~ you'll get a break from Whole Foods next week because I'll be in - drum roll - West Virginia at the annual New River Birding & Nature Festival. There will be bird Blips ~ ideally of birds I don't usually see in my own backyard.

PS2 - Thanks to everyone who has starred and faved my Blue Jay of yesterday. He is inching his way towards the first popular page as I type and is very excited about it.  ;-)

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