Taster Day
Sometime last year I was asked if I would tutor a Mah-Jong Taster Day at our Surrey WI office. Mah-Jong is a very difficult game to teach as it has so many little rules and strange ways of doing things, so I was a bit reluctant but before I knew it, it had been arranged and it had been offered to twenty-four people, six tables. There was no way I could teach six tables of beginners at the same time so I commandeered friends with whom I regularly play. Today at the event they were a huge help, moving from table to table and sitting in with groups.
At the end of the morning people were really getting the hang of the game and after a plough mans lunch they were all set for an afternoon session. They went home with a sheaf of handouts and a taste for the fascinating game. I hope they are able to keep playing.
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