And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

sun second day in a row!

What a glorious day! sun sun sun! we dropped me brother at work, then set off on a walk on the south cliff it was and still is glorious, everyone was smiling and cheery it was lovely. Had a great night with the girls, lots of laughs and tears with laughing so much was a fab night. Im going to brid with mum at half one then back to hers for tea Daves meeting me there at 6 hes making Bombay potatoes, to go with mums curry. He's out in the garden now digging them up. Im off to get a shower then off to the walk in docs as the abscess is now the size of a saucer sick of getting them wish they would work out why!!! anyway have a great day everyone and i truly hope the sun is shining on each and everyone of you.

love c xxx

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