With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Unlawfully killed

I managed to see a lot of footage from Hillsborough some time ago but had lost touch with the case lately. I will admit to sobbing today after reading some of the lies and deception that so many people have been subjected to over the last 27 years. It brought back that day as my flatmates and I watched the scenes develop on the tv, the phone calls waiting for good friends to come back to Liverpool from Sheffield, the weekend after out in town with some of them, (we didn't know what else to do, just carry on) recounting what they had seen, often breaking down uncontrollably. We all knew then what has finally been confirmed today. Our friends, regular visitors to all of the grounds in the UK,  knew how they had been treated that day, they had to plead with policemen for help but were ignored and finally had to rescue fellow fans or watch them be crushed. What deception of my beautiful home City of Liverpool and its mighty fine, honest, witty and resourceful people! They have been subjected to torment and manipulation but their true colours are now allowed to shine through. Liverpool, I love you. For the 96 and their families, YNWA in the truth.

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