
By AdenMeray

Surprise Welcome Home Party

I'm grateful for being so successful at organising surprise parties as a group of friends.

It was a really intense evening for us. We're preparing a welcome-back party for a friend who has been away for a while. Because she was away fo a while she had a chemistry make-up taste after school and we took advantage from this to prepare her a surprise party. So we parted into two groups and some of us went to the supermarket to get some drinks and junk food and we went to the cake shop to buy a cake and then to a party house for buying goofy sunglasses as you can see on my friend Ilkehan and lots of balloons. We also bought her some flowers. Then we rushed back to Ilkehan's house because it was the closest to the school and prepared the house in jet speed. At the time that I took this photo, the house was quarterly ready. One of our friends stayed at school for waiting our friend to finish her test and then took her out to Ulus to have dinner like they usually do. She wasn't even suspicious. Then the friend of s accompanying her, Yasmin told her that she forgot her notebook in Ilkehan's place. She wasn't suspicious again. When Ilkehan opened the door and lead her to the living room we opened the lights and rushed out from our hiding places. She was really surprised and happy. We hugged her. We spent the rest of the evening tucking up food, dancing, chatting and listening to music. It was a really nice evening.

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