Enzo the Baker

By Enzo


Those who care about the Battle of T. have arranged banners of the noble families - and by extension their followers and retainers who bore arms but not Arms - along the streets of this handsome town.

It reminded me of a passage my dad liked, from the judgement of Lord Chief Justice Crewe, in 1625, and an oft-quoted example of a well-written argument

"Time hath his revolutions: there must be a period and an end to all temporal things-finis rerum-an end of names and dignities, and whatsoever is terrene;-and why not of De Vere?-for where is Bohun? Where is Mowbray? Where is Mortimer? Nay, which is more, and most of all, where is Plantagenet? They are entombed in the urns and sepulchres of mortality. Yet let the name of De Vere stand so long as it pleaseth God."

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