
By TexMama

Spring is in the air


This is from last week.  I took it on my ipad while watching the weather and wishing storms would come at a more sociable time of day - yawn.
for those who don't know...our weather alerts go through several stages...

a thunderstorm or tornado Watch (conditions are favorable for the development of ...)

a thunderstorm or tornado Warning (a thunderstorm is producing or will soon produce dangerously large hail or high winds, capable of causing significant damage.  A tornado warning means that a tornado is imminent: A tornado is occurring or is expected to develop.)

The weather radio was having such a fit Mr Tex made me move it to the living room so he could sleep :0)  So I sat next to it, and watched the radar on TV, and on both my weather apps...and wondered (as I do every time) why we still don't have a tornado shelter...Spring how I love the sleepless nights you bring :0)

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