
Everyone has their opinion
Doesn't mean that yours is right
Everyone is totally entitled
It doesn't have to end in a fight
There are rules that I don't really follow
I've never been taught them you see
And even had I been to school for them
I much prefer just being me.

I was told off about this photo last night after I took it. "the light is all wrong" "if you do this instead" "If you hold that there" Yes yes, perhaps the light is too strong on the left hand side but do you know what? I like it the way it is. I'm not the best photographer in the world but I've never tried to be. I have a wee compact camera to take photos and a free picasa thing on my laptop to mess about with them. I know what I like and I'm grateful for any pointers on ways to take photos but don't just tell me I'm wrong.

For me photography is about liking what you see and seeing what you like.

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