Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Abstract Thursday 44 - Norwegian Solje.....

Thanks to youoregon1 for not only hosting this challenge but also for providing such a good description too!

Well here goes...it is mainly mono with a tint (red) processed using Topaz Glow, Silver Efex 2 and Lightroom.  It was taken with my Panasonic GX8 and a Panasonic 30mm macro lens.

I've taken this many times before and it's silver with some gold tone on the drops...the background is a mink tail which I thought added a bit of texture to it.

Well back to our normal routine today...gym first then a bit of food shopping with the youngest...relaxing afternoon..a cuppa with a neighbour for a good old natter!

I am starting my sessions with the chiropractor on Monday so I am hoping that it will impact my back pain and generally make things a bit better...fingers crossed.

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