
Finally I tidied a cupboard! Oh the joy of opening the door and nothing falling out! I may tackle another tomorrow!
I met up with Gilesey last night for camera Club and what an odd affair that was. They had the Tavistock Mayor judging and she had set the theme of Winter into Spring and started the whole evening off by saying she realised when looking at the prints submitted what a hard one it was! She then continued by saying to virtually everyone she put up " This is an x but doesn't do it for me" ! At no point did she say what it was she was looking for in the theme, or why the photo didn't do it for her, and gave very little critique other than this! I didn't agree with her selection for Group A and was left quite tickled and mystified by the whole experience, particularly when she looked at a bluebell photo and said there were lovely bluebell woods in Dorset! I think the reason she was chosen was because she was the mayor, so it seemed rather odd she was extolling the beauties of another county! I really felt they could have picked anyone up from the street and asked them to judge - it wasn't so much a judging as a personal view from someone who obviously does not take photographs herself and was rather lacking in any other presentational skill!   Quite a shame as there were some really stunning and inventive entries, from an old woman with a young baby to pages from a calendar and one page from a diary saying "vernal equinox"
Thinking maybe my view of what a judging should be was at fault I looked up the term - "a production can be judged according to the canons of aesthetic criticism," so I then looked up "criticism " - "the analysis and judgement of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work." So as I thought, last night was not a very good  judging! 

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