Way back on Boxing Day last year, 26 December, I was given a box of chocolates for my birthday.  However, these were not just any old chocolates, but were Thornton’s Premium Collection of milk dark and white chocolates. 

The "best before" date was 31 May 2016 but a couple of nights ago I thought we should check that they hadn't "gone off", because, of course, they had been sitting in a warm room since my birthday!

Once opened, they had to be sampled, and sample them we did!  Well, as you can imagine, one thing led to another or should I say one chocolate led to another and before we knew it half the box was gone!

I have been perfectly happy to see the box of chocolates sitting there, unopened, for four months but as many other ladies will know, once the box is opened,  it has to be finished. So last night we finished the rest of the chocolates and very nice they were too. 

Today being Abstract Thursday and before throwing away the box and the innards I decided that I could use it for a photograph so here is my "titivated" abstract of the inside of the box together with some pretty stones where the chocolates once were – I think you will agree it makes a good abstract – and if you look very carefully at the bottom, in the middle, you will see me in my pink robe taking the photograph!

All you need is love; 
     but a little chocolate 
          now and then
doesn't hurt.
Charles M. Schulz

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