
By Shropshirelad

Auschwitz buchenwald

I'm very lucky to have a job that allows me to travel and see the world. Auschwitz is one of those places that need to be visited in the hope of gaining some understanding of the cruelty of the Nazis during World War Two, not just for the Jews but for all the other victims, including Poles and who made up a large number of the inmates.

A day trip took us the small camp of Auschwitz followed by the larger buchenwald where the Nazis sought to perfect the art of killing on an industrial scale. While the SS blew up the gas chambers as the Red Army approached in 1945 the ruins can still be seen and they failed to eradicate all trace of their crimes.

It's now now a very busy place with thousands of visitors a day but Auschwitz retains an atmosphere of quiet menace.

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