
By ScarletMonkey

Neighbourhood project day 11: entrapment

Nimmenhaimen is full of street art and galleries. I am trying to use it all as inspiration but struggling.

I feel trapped a lot of the time at the moment. My accident meant I didn't leave the city much during the cool season and I stayed mostly near home. The heat and pollution's arrival then kept me inside. Having decided that enough was enough I started yoga again and vowed to go further a field. Then I injured my ankle (again!), so driving, although easier on my nerves, is now physically painful. Yoga is back out the window.

I feel like I'm not getting the enjoyment out of the city that I should be. Which means I find it hard to pick up a camera, paintbrush or pencil. The irony being that creativity usually lifts me up, but I can't seem to do it if I'm not already happy..

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