The Dream
I had a little trip to the hairdressers this morning...I can ditch the hat now! one and it is freezing cold and the weather is crazy with sleet and snow and rain showers. Well, I wasn't going to sit in the warmth, curled up with my book and a cuppa, that would be really silly! No, I decided to head along the motorway where there was poor visibility and spray swishing across my windscreen from all the lorries on the M62 and have a shufty at the huge head statue, The Dream.
I climbed up the hill and took a few shots in the 'newly coiffured hair frizzing' drizzle. There wasn't another soul about, no-one to walk by the statue and give you a sense of it's size, sigh. But, I'm glad I went and saw it.
I've decided that there are places and things I want to see and if I wait for someone to be with me then I am missing out, so I am just going to go. There are many wonderful places in the world I want to see, but today I started with a little jaunt to Warrington.
As it was raining I initially titled this entry Wet Dream...but just before I hit publish I thought aaaargh, no!!
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