emmanuel and maureen

emmanuel, our school mission pastor in kasama, is visiting for the weekend with his wife. they are here in ndola for a wedding after finishing maureen's last chemotherapy treatment in lusaka.

it's hard not to compare her treatment with the wonderful nhs who treated my mum. on friday alone they had to queue up for hours from 6am, take their own mamogram tests to a private clinic for analysis and then sit on a hot and sweaty bus for 6 hours to get to us. maureen seems like a trooper though. when i asked to take this picture, she asked if she wanted it without the wig and promptly took it off to show her hairless head. hero.

emmanuel is an actual legend.
when i got up this morning he was busy ironing maureen's dress for her while she rested. for a zambian man....that is amazing! hero.

flying to the UK tomorrow.

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