The assignment I found in my book of Gerhard Gollwitzer and I did the drawing yesterday, adding a bit red, blue and yellow. I thought I could post it today for the Absract Thursday Challenge, hosted by youoregon1, theme: black and white with a dash or two.
The assigment was to fill several squares with all kinds of structures and textures and the author named them all.
A better day weatherwise than yesterday, but somehow I found it still chilly outside in the morning.
After lunch we walked the forrest path not far from our house, that climbs slowly but constantly, and the reason was to admire the magical green colour of the leaves, that will soon alter in darker green.
Two enormous trees had fallen, one over the path, and this one was already cut in pieces and these lay at the left side, the other had fallen against the hill and lay there in one piece.
Somehow it affected me on our walk. Trees in the forests fall all the time, but I did hope not to be around when they did.
Opposite the bench where we always take a rest, a new, wooden, construction had been build, a rather high one, where the foresters and/or hunters could sit and observe the animals.
Piet Hein did not like it,  found it ugly build and I agreed.
We did not see or heard any animal, except the birds of course.

My haiku:

Take up your pencil
Or chalk and start to find
Lines, waves, points and circles

And the proverb:

Bring your line to the wall, not the wall to the line.

Erasmus, Ad. II. V. 36.


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