
By EgyptUnveiled

Hats off to you!

Being Ramadan, the streets are empty. A strong breeze blowing from the West, creates slight relief for the people that 'Sime' or are Fasting.

People shuffle slowly as they try to conserve energy and make it to their destination to take shelter from the sun and rest.

Heads down and a clearing of the throat, smokers feel the effects of not being able to have a cigarette, lungs are cleared.

Young men swim in the Nile, turn on hosepipes and stand under fountains to cool down.

The people are having an extremely hard Ramadan this year, as fasting starts from 03.00 until 18.41 (Iftar, breaking the fast, starts a minute earlier each day) 15.5hrs without food or water is unthinkable. Normally, the clocks are changed so the sun sets earlier and so it is cooler, but not this year. Each year it moves back in the year. July is one of the hottest months and as I previously mentioned, we are hitting 50 degrees here now.

The focus of the people is inspirational and I have nothing but respect for those that take part. Shop assistants in the supermarket, handling food and serving customers, waiters in restaurants, preparing and cooking food for the evening and serving drinks.

Not all fast, the people at the bakery, were all sat behind the counter, looking so weary and listless. One chose to sit amongst them and smoke a cigarette. This I find quite unforgivable. I try not to drink water or eat in front of anyone when I am out during Ramadan. I can't imagine how it would feel to be almost dehydrated and to see someone showing such lack of respect for their Religion, as they glugged cool water in front of them.

Just a few more minutes and the Luxor Canon will be fired, signalling to all, that it is 18.41 and Iftar can be eaten.

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