Google Streetview car

Very positive meetings at both locations today. Staff enthused by what we showed them and are keen to get training in place as soon as the final technical solutions are resolved.

Likewise this afternoon when we went to talk to an organisation that creates quality teaching in English and Welsh. We came away enthused by their content and with their buy in to our work with young people.

In between times we had a tasty lunch in an Italian cafe which was where, on the way back to the car, I spotted today's blip; the Streetmap car.

A very disappointing breakfast this morning. OK, I had porridge and fresh fruit salad but after that there was only marmite on toast to be had. They advertised a continental breakfast but that consisted of sweet pastries, muffins, jams and honey which I don't want to eat. No cold meat or cheese or any interesting types of bread.

Even the coffee was a let down, instant decaf from Nescafé, while everyone else had a wide selection of coffee styles all from Costa. Eat as much as you like then menu said, but not of that stuff. And it cost £8.

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