Looking South to Scotland

Dashed into Kirkwall for a haircut in the morning, then picked up Scratch as J was on a course all day.  

Took Ollie and Scratch out for a long walk to make the most of the lovely weather.  Still bitterly cold in the wind, but there is heat in the sun when you find a sheltered spot!  Spent a happy hour or so up on the cliffs, watching the gulls and the waves in the sunshine.  Somewhat marred by Scratch catching and dispatching a rabbit, but that's terriers for you.

Helped Mike replace winches on the boat in the afternoon.  Working on her when she's on dry land is already making me more confident so I'll be more used to moving about on her when she's in the water.  Mooring going in this weekend, with a bit of luck and the right tides!

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