An afternoon with Ozzy

Look who came on my walk with me this afternoon…………….  Ozzy, my very gorgeous, golden retriever, boyfriend.  We went to the dunes so that we could do some bunny chasing.  There were zillions of bunnies out playing today so we both had to do our speediest running but we still didn’t catch any??!!

Ann tried to Blip us chasing bunnies but we were going far too fast for her to photograph us so she made us stop bunny chasing and pose nicely.  That wasn’t much fun!

And do you know what?................  Every now and again we kept running too far away from Ann so she had to keep calling us back. When I’m chasing bunnies I just pretend that I can’t hear Ann calling me because chasing bunnies is far more exciting than going back to Ann.  Ozzy went back to Ann every time he was called.  Goody two shoes!!!

Once we got back into the car I had to sit for the entire journey home and listen to Ann praising Ozzy for his good behaviour.  Grrr……  Sometimes being a rebellious little collie is fun.  If Ozzy hadn’t kept zooming back to Ann we might have caught one of the bunnies.  And if Ozzy insists on being a goody two shoes the next time we go bunny chasing he might just find himself dumped!!!  Grrrr…….

Update on the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment:

‘Very lovely architect’ emailed us and told us that the engineer had said that the wall we want knocking down is not load bearing.  Amazingly the engineer managed to ascertain this in one short visit.  Look here to see our RANT re what the 'cowboy builders' told us about engineers. Grrr............ 

And yes; we have now had to pay a big fat fee to submit the plans to building control but the fees that we have paid, are more than £600 less than what the ‘cowboy builders’ told us they would be???  And that is £600 less than their original quote.  Not the 'extra' that they were trying to charge us in the RANT above.  Knew it was a good idea for Ann to give up her job so that she could concentrate on 'project managing' this herself!!

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