
By TrishaR

At the River

Low tide at the Tay so decided to take the boys down for some fun throwing stones, playing in the sand and a bit of tree climbing.  We got there just as all the services arrived including a helicopter.  Seems like there was someone in the river.  They were hunting along the undergrowth and there was a dingy in the river.  I heard later the person was found ok.

We had a good time with the boys and then headed for a snack before going back home for lunch.  Dave had the bouncy castle up in the garden for the boys so we dropped them off home and we went down the road to Abernyte where my mum was with Graham and Morag.  The UKIP guy was sitting at the next table and he looked like a gangster with his long tweed coat on....

Back home and put the feet up...

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