
Yet another ridiculous Friday:-
School drop off and a long conversation with Smallest's teacher about behaviour yesterday :-(
Mylor pre-sailing breakfast (slightly rushed after being held up on the school run)
2.5 hours of sailing.
Lunch with Mr Roly and Mike from College.
Home for a meeting with the accountant.
GP phone appointment (my TSH and therefore cholesterol have gone through the roof - TSH up from 3 in Feb to 25 now).
DofE gathering of stuff with Eldest.
Payroll done for my book keeping client.
Back to Mylor to drop Eldest off to crew in a race for Mike from College.
Home to clear away children's tea detritus and prepare tea for MrRoly and me.
Back to Mylor for a beer 'en famile' to meet the rest of the crew and find out how Eldest got on (she loved it)
Home to finish off DofE packing ready for an 8am departure in the morning...

The blip shows Eldest on the boat - white with red main sail cover - sat at the back in a navy coat.

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