Mono Thursday!

So this is how they look in sepia ... haha!  Way too cold to drive by the fields and, anyway, after the freezing temps and hail, will there still be any fields worth driving to?  I shall try to find out in the weekend.  In the meantime, I have had no time, but I've also been tired after work so not really in the mood.

Hubby feeling better.
The plumbing problem totally fixed so, finally ... I was able to shower and wash my hair ... yup, I am so totally happy about that!
Pain in my rib has subsided.
Hubby was finally contacted by the welfare office.  They have received the specialists' reports and wonder why it differs substantially from their own reports.  What a bunch of sillies!  An appointment has been set sometime mid-May.  Sigh, sigh, sigh, and here we go again, but this is a lot better than no word from them at all.

Everything seems to be going well, no?  And then today I hear that I'll be taking over a class that is so behind in their work I'll probably have to start almost from scratch.  Well, I told myself, ... the challenge is on!  This is just the thing to wake me up at the end of the schoolyear.  That means I'll probably be checking 85 exams and some 70 portfolios.  You can guess how much adrenaline I'll be needing for that!

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