
2years 274days

My girl has been fabulous today. So amazing. We had a wonderful morning at her nursery summer party/fair. She loved being with Brooke and her little friend who's also starting there from her old nursery. There was a bouncy castle that she really enjoyed and she played on the climbing wall, in the garden digging bit, lots of chasing. She had a lovely morning.

The highlight of the day though (and one of my highlights of my life as Katie's mummy so far, truth be told) was this afternoon. Her first ballet show. She blew me away. I was totally amazed. I had tried to have low expectations of the whole occasion, her only being only 2. However she proved, yet again, that I had no need to have doubted her for a second. I dropped her to the changing room with the big girls and ten minutes later, on to the stage she skipped in her little costume. She waved as she went on and then did every single step of "The Bear went over the Mountain" and the "Teddy Bears Picnic" singing and tap dance that she has been practising, side by side with a good friend of hers from ballet. She had a huge beam on her face from start to finish. She waved to everyone as they went off.

About 90 minutes later, they came back on and did their class pieces - a selection of examples of their class work; their warm up dance, their plie piece, their "feet" music. She then, at her turn, galloped beautifully across the stage all by herself, with her bear. The teacher asked for three girls to show how they touched their head with their feet, and chose Katie, who got straight down and did it. She sang twinkle twinkle, and I melted. Her little friend's bun came out during one dance, and at the next pause in the music, Katie tried to redo it for her, then stroked her head when they couldnt sort it. At one point, she turned to the big girls and proudly said "My mummy is watching me out there".

I couldnt believe how well she did. I had said I suspected that she would just get on with it if I wasnt there, and she proved me right. And way surpassed my expectations. As the youngest girl of her class to perform in the show, she was one of the few to actually do the whole thing. She totally shone on that stage. And yes. I cried. Twice.

Katie at 33months

*has started singing all day at preschool - a sign she loves it
*has had celebrated 1000days on the planet
*is obsessed with sun cream and bath bubbles
*has learnt gold and silver in her colours
*has added diamond and oval to her shapes
*knows her full name and when her birthday is and will actually share them now
*plays teacher
*weighs 13kg and has one of her back molars
*has made friends at ballet

*Chicken nuggets
*Bouncy castles
*Stunt horse riding
*Free Willy/Whales
*Wearing odd shoes
*Falling to sleep in my arms
*Brooke-days at nursery
*Having hair bobbles in after months of objecting. It only took a ballet show.

*Ballet show
*Day in her preschool
*Baskets on the bar
*nursery reunion

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