Autumn tones
This was taken in my back garden looking towards the house. I like the contrast of some grey clouds and the different yellows of the leaves. The trees include a Chinese pistachio, plane, Robina and Ash.
I have finished my latest book ( blipped the other day) called "The shifting Fog" by Kate Morton. Only took about 4 days to read so it must have been good! It reminded me of the Downton Abby series on TV.
Now I am about to go out to the movies with my eldest daughter and the grandchildren. The last movie I saw at the theatre was the life of Pi which I did not enjoy. I found it disturbing even though my husband loved it. Tastes are quite different in films and books, photographs, gardens and everything in life. I guess that makes it interesting.
They are holding a first grade Rugby League game here today, just up the road. It isn't my taste but people have come from miles around...
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