
By Realgrumpytyke

Red eggs, red finger tips

Busy day preparing for Easter, Orthodox Easter that is. Early morning we were visiting Marinela in her Romanian food shop in Leeds Kirkgate market. Lots of superb cured meats, other Romanian delicacies including icre de crap (carp roe) and a packet of red dye for eggs. Red eggs are another indispensable part of a Romanian Easter. Red finger tips are the result. That was my Easter prep job for today having made the cozonaci yesterday.
Petronela made pasca - Easter cake (not the traditional pasca modoveneasca which I prefer (it's vaguely like Yorkshire curd tart) but she doesn't like, but pasca cu ciocolata (a chocolate version) and salata de boeuf (which oddly doesn't have any beef in it). She also made a borsch cu cartofi (sour soup with potatoes) for our meal this evening, the last meal of the fast. It's one of my favourites and was delicious.
Managed to fit in a meeting of our writers' club, Writing on the Wharfe, in the afternoon: fabulous Shakespearian sonnet from Emma (we'd been given a theme of either 'English' or 'Shakespeare') and a wonderful poem 'Village Wedding' by David - very observant and in places hilarious.
Managed to get a post up on the village website about the open afternoon for our Parish churchyard tomorrow; I might take some red eggs and introduce the vicar to 'knocking eggs', an Easter breakfast time activity in Romania.  

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