B is for.......

Brilliant friends.
Buns and cake.
Bottles of bubbly.
Being mentioned on the radio.
Best day!!

I wore a dress today! Well it is my birthday and I thought I would make an effort. I'm glad I did because the coven met at Ellen's this afternoon and she had made me this splendid gin and tonic cake....yes, gin and tonic. It was absolutely delicious. 

Actually, it has been a cake fest day...well if you can't over indulge on cake on your birthday when can you!...Sian came round this morning and she had made some yummy buns that her daughter, Charlotte, had beautifully decorated, each one had a letter of my name on. I have eaten B and it was divine. 

I've eaten cake, I've quaffed champagne, I've had lovely phone calls from my family and I've shared the day with my wonderful friends. Liza Tarbuck has just read out my birthday text on the radio too....

Now the question is....do I open another bottle of fizz? I think the day calls for it. And....do I celebrate Beltane? If I do I will certainly need a bit of alcoholic assistance. Beltane?? I hear you say....well it is a pagan festival celebrating the coming of Summer. I like the fact that Beltane comes from the Celtic word meaning Fires of Bel......not that I like being called Bel, but it is close enough to Belinda. I like the idea of jumping over flames in the belief it will bring fertility and good fortune. I've just treated myself to a lottery ticket so maybe I should quaff another glass and go and light a fire in the back garden....

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