His Tiller Girls!

A man's got to have a hobby - or more accurately several, if Himself is anything to go by! During his 10 days off he has sanded down and repainted his collection of rudders and tillers, and now some of them are lined up along the wall, his tiller girls! There are more at the back of the house, and they do have a wonderful history to them.

As the summer hasn't really started yet, and it is getting pretty near the end of it, we've decided not to carry on getting Aida ready to launch. She has to be craned into the water and then taken out about September time, so our/Mike's energies are being channelled into the old wooden boat instead. She's small enough to be easily launched from the house slip and can be used in any reasonable weather.

Unfortunately she does have a few rotten timbers and needs a new transom, but she is a lovely little boat, and has a gunter rig, which is something to be desired, or so I am led to believe! Watch this space!

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