Glen Lyon View

Comments are back on again, as I've missed all the chat:-)

Looked like a decent day today, so we drove over to Glen Lyon via lunch in Aberfeldy.  It was delightful to see all the young animals in the fields - mainly sheep, but also calves and a spotted foal (see Extras).

Once we got into the Glen, the weather changed every few minutes from hail to rain to sunshine, which made taking photos very hit and miss!  At least it seemed to keep most of the cars away, as the roads were unusually quiet for a weekend, though we did see loads parked where climbers begin their routes.

The sun came back out when we reached Lawers Dam, so I've added an extra of that and the main photo is a view between two giant rocks over to some snowy peaks (though I've no idea which ones!)

Hope you all had some sunshine too today:-)

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