Another Day in Sapsucker Woods

In spite of 2 pretty darn good shots of a Nashville warbler I had to post this ruby crowned kinglet because it was so darn cute. It just has the sweetest look on it's face! And it was so hard to get a good shot he just didn't sit still more than a second at a time! It started out to be a really unexciting day with robins and goldfinches , geese and blackbird being the main birds seen. The pond by Kip's barn had only 2 yellow rumped warblers and except for the woodpeckers the woods were pretty empty. Then we got to the pond by the lab and a pair of hooded mergansers were on the far side. A yellow warbler flew in for a few minutes, a black and white buzzed through and the heron was preening way across the pond. (They usually have it's nest up on the nest cam site.) Then we decided to go back to the other pond and this time besides the yellow rumped warblers  a palm warbler and the Nashville warblers were hanging out. A very happy bird day after all. And it started out with the brown thrasher singing in our yard in a visible spot this AM- a collection of songs including a bluejay, oriole,sparrow chips,and unidentifiable warble,carolina wren , etc. Yesterday was a riot he went from a cardinal to a wood thrush then a veery. I must admit my favorite impression that he does is the whip-poor-will. Although vreet vreet chuck chuck of the cardinal always makes me laugh.

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