Mari-Cha III......
On the way back from the Isle of Wight a really nice sailing yacht passed between the ferry and the Mainland, I knew it was special so I looked it up on Google, this is what it said.
Mari-Cha III Super Yacht of distinction.
Mari-Cha III superyacht that is also the fastest of her type and size in the world. Mari-Cha III 1997 winner of the Superyacht Society's award for the Best Sail Yacht over 36 metres as well as the award for the Best Sail Yacht Interior. MARI-CHA III designed by John Munford, her accommodation is superbly executed by Sensation Yacht's skilled cabinet makers. Mari-Cha III SuperMaxi new Atlantic record breaker.
I did get one or two shots of her.
Maddi is back home and all tuckered out ready for her tea and bed time, but we are out again next weekend as we head for Blackpool.
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