A walk in the woods

A very wet and mild day today after the recent cold snap, almost felt like spring again.

Following the battle with the tripod a couple of days ago I braved it again today. I have now had a row lesson from my husband on how to use it properly. The problem with that tripod is" user error" he told me.

So I managed not to throw it in the ditch or leave it on the beach. Instead all was calm while I took some waterfall pictures in our lovely temperate rainforests that we have here.

I just love the water flowing between the moss in this shot. The light was low so I used my polariser and a high f stop to slow the shutter speed.

I have also added an extra of the track I walked down because I loved the shape of it.

There are so many lovely and different waterfalls around here I could almost run a guided tour for people wanting to photograph waterfalls. Maybe that could be my retirement job!

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