Be mobile

By petaqui


I don't know how to say in English merienda, because in other countries I think that doesn't exists as here, first of all because in other countries the dinner is served at 6 or 7 o clock xD in Spain at 9 or 10 in the night haha
Well, I just wanted to post this crapy shot because is different, it's just a different kind of shot showing what I eated at the middle of the afternoon in the job, not all of course xDDD And not only me, also whe other 3 workers in the chemistry :P hmmmmmm Chocolate!! haha
No se como decir en inglés siesta, porque principalmente creo que en otros paises no existe, porque en otros paises la cena se sirve a las 6 o 7 de la tarde, en España a las 9 o 10 de la noche jaja
Bueno, he querido poner esta foto basura porque es difeente, es una toma distinta de lo habitual, y enseñando lo que comí a media tarde en el trabajo con otros 3 compañeros/as de la farmacia :P hmmmmmm Chocolate

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