Shap Summit

We woke to torrential rain and reports of the wind gusting to 50 miles an hour over Shap Fell, but it was forecast to turn nice later  - so Yvie got a much needed lie in, a big breakfast & most importantly of all - clean socks!

We only found out last night that Yvie didn't have a planned bed for tonight - the bad weather has changed her schedule a lot - so I hopped onto Facebook and put out a call to the Cumbrian outdoors community - and we got Yvie a bed near High Hesket....IN 4 MINUTES!!! - I'm humbled by how many kind and generous folks I know.

Eventually we headed back to Selside and Yvie set off North again - still with that indomitable smile on her face. I nipped into town, ran some errands, filled her bag with a Secret Santa stash of chocolate & then headed up to Shap Summit* on the A6 to meet her for a drink stop and to hand over to today's supporter. If you look really closely you'll see a little day-glow bundle of energy in the bottom right corner - if you really really look you might even see a huge grin, take my word for it - even after 450 miles Yvie's still grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

*Yvie was worried she wouldn't get to see any of Cumbria - so I took this panoramic just in case.

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