
By susiej


Headed to the allotment with M, and friend to put the next coat of paint on the shed. M very excited at the whole prospect and demanded, since it is May, to take the picnic basket for its first outing (having bought it at the end of last summer). This was despite the fact that we didn't actually have a picnic to put into it ... She found some crisps and I suggested she carry a pan and some soup in it. Of course it started rainng the minute we got there. So, had the soup in the shed until it looked safe to paint. Just as we were finishing, the heavens opened. M and H, as ever, embraced it and sat on the swing singing 'I do like to be beside the seaside' - the shed does look remarkably like a beach-hut.... Anyway, they were soaked to the knickers when we got home. I doubt the shed will still be blue tomorrow ....

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