Au Revoir Carlsheaven

You will recognize this: the day before leaving has a Janus face. Its double character - looking forward&backward is underlined by another ambiguous mix of calmness and unrest. Plenty of time aye. take the whole day circle in, closing down. Moving some things into the small roller case, inspecting the backpack. Checking out house and garden for departure. Tomorrow morning early call. So today there is still time to look around.

But unmistakably there is this strange mood. We do make this last walkaround. But can you imagine not to be present here at the riverside? Itis strange to feel detaching, a slight anxiousness, a resistence to let loose, to prepare for leaving. And we should feel happy to see Mischa again, the sea, the old town, meet some old friends. O yes, we do. We enjoy looking forward: finally, after all this time. But, you know....

We walked down the Friedenstal valley, sat on a riverside bench. Such a wonderful beautiful afternoon. Then we strolled through the old town. Rounding the harbour, our water harbour! People enjoying this warm summer afternoon. Bright was the sky. And it still was as we came back home. Tomorrow this doubleness will vanish with the train speed. Moving forward to the West. Au Revoir will be forgotten, Goodbye becomes Hello.

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