Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

He's Got Them Crazy Eyes!

Loki was feeling very frisky this evening! He romped around the house with Corra for a good while :3 What a good boy! He hasn't been as playful since going on his upped meds, but that seems to be changing as he's adjusted. I love it when he's a total goober!

I on the other hand spent most of the day curled up in a fetal position feeling miserably sick =\ Mr. Badger had something similar on Monday and one of my sisters had the same over a week ago. Thinking it was some stomach bug going around. I was supposed to have a follow-up doctors appointment, but no way I could even make it out the door! I was feeling better by 8pm at least, but not great (which is why I am back-blipping this entry!) Glad I seem to be recovering. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)

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