
By Cari


Another lovely day here! It was cool, foggy and misty early on this morning. I dropped our son off at work then went for a drive hoping to get some fog photos. As I am driving the fog is lifting and the sun is coming out so no fog photos.

There was an outdoor concert up at Shore Acres today at noon. I told my hubby that I was going to run up there to check it out. He says "you can't leave me alone!!" I thought "HUh??" I totally forgot that he had scheduled a massage here at the house and since it was a lady he wanted me here. So, I stayed. We had her set up her table down in the 'tree house' where it is cool and peaceful. I went down there about half way through his massage and was forced talked into getting one also. They didn't have to twist my arm too far :) I carry all my tension in my shoulders and neck. She really worked out some of the knots! I felt fabulous afterwards. We are going to have her come once a week now. You know, for pain and stress management! :o)

After that we went and looked at cars. We are looking for an inexpensive second car. Having only one is seriously harshing my mellow!! No luck today. Will try again tomorrow.

It was the July Jubilee days yesterday and today. It is North Bends annual birthday bash. Turned 108 this year. Vintage car shows, Corvette Club mania, parades, food...you know the drill for small town festivals! Had to go close up the store and now just relaxing at home.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

Happy Saturday

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