Gitama's World

By Gitama

Very Very Tiny

On taking the Rumi boy for a walk this afternoon I decided not to take  anything not even my camera (just doggie bags). Of course knowing it was TT I started to look for the smallest flower I could find.

It's a bit like .....and as exciting as unwrapping a present when I turn the macro on to these little ones. I am always gobsmacked at how complex and crazily fabulous they are. I will never look at these tiny weeds with flowers the size of a pinhead in the same way again.

I feel as if I have been privvy to it's secrets....I have been initiated into the mysterious world of this tiny beauty........that is always hiding in plain sight for those with a macro and a healthy curiosity.

“Curiosity is the lust of the mind.”

- Thomas Hobbes

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