Eye of the Tiger

We have left the lovely old villages of Yunnan and come north to Shangri La. More about Shangri La tomorrow.
We came up the valley of the mighty Yangtze River, stopping at Tiger Leaping Gorge at the bottom of which is the Jinsha river, a tributary of the Yangtze. It's a bit commercialised but quite well presented really with wooden steps and walkways.
Legend has it that a tiger once leapt across the river at its narrowest point via this huge stone in the middle. There are no tigers in this area now, they've either been hunted or maybe they weren't so lucky and fell in.

Extra, LooseCanon chatting to some cyclists we met who are cycling from Lijiang to Lhasa in Tibet. The one in green had already cycled from his home in the North of China to the south. This is at very high altitude. Respect to them.

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