Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I never knew that Micras had herding instincts. This afternoon on the way to S's I came round a corner to find a field of sheep and a wide open gate. Except two ewes and four lambs were out munching along the verge. With several manoeuvres of the forward, reverse, sidle up to them, come bye, lie down and all that, Patsy managed to drive the escapees through the gate and into the field. I was feeling very proud of her. Then found I could not wrench the bigger left hand gate out of the hedge where it had come to rest without splodging through the mud and puddles first. But with both gates eventually closed and fastened we puttered on to S's house.

There, once my shoes were removed, we had an enjoyable stitch, knit and natter afternoon. Thank you S, it is always a joy, restores my equilibrium and settles my blood pressure.

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