
By MarnieL

Class Project 1

It has been a crazy few weeks...

A trip to visit my daughter and her family - they are wonderful. A fantastic blipmeet while in the Toronto area. It was a pleasure to see Lori and Joe again and meet 5 other amazing blippers. Pics to follow as the computer wouldn't cooperate while I was away from home.

We arrived home to a very, very messy house. The entire house was repainted in the last three weeks - fantastic job that took a little longer than planned. Now to put the house back together.

And, a product photography class with a final project due. It was a bit of a job to dig out the gear and make a clean space to work. This is the first effort. I would change a few things, such as the specular highlights on the front of the glasses. Three images are required for the series. One on a white background, one on a black background, and one on a background of our own choosing.

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