
Today Sebastien has had Freddie with him all day long. The stuffed dog  'ate' what Sebastien ate and "drank" what Sebastien drank. He played all the same games as Sebastien and had to be sitting on our laps as we read books together. He went to the park with us and Sebastien went on the seesaw and the swings with him. Then he insisted I put Freddie in the swing next to him and push both of them. Freddie came out with us for pizza at dinnertime, too, and had his own chair with his own water.

When we were at home, Sebastien hopped his friend in front of him every once and a while to make it look like Freddie was walking. When I asked Sebastien to look at me when I was taking photos of them in the swing, Sebastien took Freddie's head and turned it so they were both looking at me. And when the ice cream truck came down the street, Sebastien turned Freddie's head so they could both watch it coming (see extra).

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