Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Yes it's daisies again!

Mrs DB got a new camera yesterday, the little Nikon J1. It's down to an affordable price now so with a £50 cashback offer from Nikon we've gone for broke. First impressions are good. It's a small chunky thing (not Mrs DB) with no protusions unlike my Sony Nx5N with long zoom and clip on flash. The low light range is good and the pop-up flash fills in nicely. I'll spend the rest of the day testing it before she's allowed out on her own with it. Well you have to do that don't you. She can use it once the German GP starts.

Was considering a Sunderland Air Show Blip but the weather is back to normal, dull, looking wet, and feels 10c in the windy westerly 15mph 'breeze'.

Good 'ere innit?

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